
Peace & Global Witness Partnership

The Peace & Global Witness Partnership of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta is a group of representatives from congregations within the presbytery who usually meet on the 3rd Saturday of each month (excluding July) at 10:00 a.m. at North Decatur Presbyterian Church to study and discuss the work of peacemakers in the world. We welcome any congregation to be represented or come as visitors.

We are stewards of the Peacemaking Offering funds that are given to the presbytery. Our budget includes support for a variety of PC(USA) ministries - International Peacemaker, mission co-workers based in our presbytery, Global Peace and Justice, Washington Office of Public Witness - as well as interfaith ministries in Atlanta. We support peacemaking ministries in congregations within the presbytery and welcome requests for funding for those ministries. Please contact Brenda Smith - joycee1@att.net - to subscribe to our newsletter (or you can view them on the right side of this page).

Contact Persons

Mel Coe | mcoe@bellsouth.net
Brenda Smith | joycee1@att.net

Our Activities

Promote the annual Peacemaking Season and Offering. Using the portion of the offering allocated to us we do the following:

Award scholarships for Presbyterians, including students, to attend conferences and seminars
Sponsor an international peacemaker to visit in our presbytery each fall.
Distribute peacemaking materials and promote programs from PCUSA Compassion, Peace and Justice Ministry
Share grant monies with congregations
Provide sponsorship monies for speakers and organizations active in peacemaking
Support activities of partner organizations including:

FAMA - Faith Alliance of Metro Atlanta
Presbyterians Caring for Chaplains
GFADP - Georgians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
JHJIP - Joining Hands for Justice in Israel and Palestine
NRCAT - National Religious Campaign Against Torture
AMIS - Atlanta Ministry with International Students
Presbyterian Peacemaking Foundation
Presbyterians for a Better Georgia
Georgia Peace & Justice Coalition
Groups holding workshops on racism