Boundaries Training

Boundaries Training
for Ministers and Commissioned Ruling Elders

The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta requires all ministers of the Word and Sacrament and commissioned ruling elders, including members at large, ministers serving in a validated ministry, and retired ministers serving a church in any Presbytery-approved relationship, to take the Presbytery’s Boundaries Training once every 3 years (36 months). The full policy is available here.

We have a great program facilitated by Rev. Holly Tickle, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Clinical Member of the AAMFT. The training includes the topics of sexual misconduct and child sexual abuse prevention training. All ministers and CREs take the same training. This training is open only to those required to take Boundaries Training by the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta or Cherokee Presbytery. Each session is limited to 40 participants.

If you have questions, please contact Stated Clerk Andy James at


COST: $25 per person

LOCATION: Zoom (unless otherwise noted)


  • Wednesday, March 26, 2025 – 12:30-2:00 PM Register here!

    Registration Deadline: March 24

  • Thursday, October 16 – 12:30-2:00 PM Register here!
    Registration Deadline: Tuesday, October 14

Boundaries Training for Sessions

Video Training for Sessions and other church staff and volunteers on the topics of Boundaries/ Sexual Misconduct is now available on Rev. Holly Tickle’s website

The training covers the Book of Order (G-3.0106) mandatory topics: 

  • discussion about a sexual misconduct policy

  • discussion about a harassment policy

  • discussion about a child and youth protection policy

The training is a video PowerPoint with narration by Tickle. It includes two parts so sessions can choose to watch it all in one meeting or break it up into two meetings. It is designed with the intention of  Church Sessions/Ruling Elders using it as a group and group discussion based on questions asked within each section. The first section is Discussing the PCUSA Sexual Misconduct policy including harassment and the second focuses on Preventing Child Sexual Abuse. The total video lasts 36 minutes. It is available to stream from my website and the cost for a session's unlimited use is 79.00.