Missional Entrepreneurship
Missional Entrepreneurship
Training for Pioneers at the Intersection of the Marketplace and God’s Mission
Good Futures Preconference will take place January 28-29, 2025
Missional Entrepreneurship Immersion January 29-31, 2025
Sterling, VA
Information/Registration: https://freshexpressions.com/missional-entrepreneurship-immersion
Boundaries Training
The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta requires all ministers of the Word and Sacrament and commissioned ruling elders, including members at large, ministers serving in a validated ministry, and retired ministers serving a church in any Presbytery-approved relationship, to take the Presbytery’s Boundaries Training once every three years.
For more information about Boundaries Training and/or to register, click the button below.
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta holds quarterly Stated Meetings to conduct business and join in worship together.
For more information about Stated Meetings (including links to registration, submit absence requests, download the current Commissioner Handbook, etc.), click the button below.
Some items, such as the Commissioner Handbook, registration link, etc., will be made available a couple of weeks prior to each event.
2 Music Events at DHPC: Organist Improvisation Masterclass & Hymn Festival
Organist Improvisation Masterclass & Hymn Festival
Presented by Druid Hills Presbyterian Church
Saturday, Feb 8, 2025
Druid Hills Presbyterian Church
Two Events:
10:30 AM - Organist Improvisation Masterclass with Clinician Michael Burkhardt
7:00 PM - Hymn Festival
Open to the public
No admission charge
Savannah Presbytery - Faith Enrichment Conference
Faith Enrichment Conference
Presented by the 2025 Faith Enrichment Committee of the Savannah Presbytery
Theme: Thrive
Revitalize • Energize • Spiritualize
February 21-22, 2025
Epworth by the Sea
Information and Registration: https://myemail.constantcontact.com/THRIVE--Faith-Enrichment-Conference.html?soid=1102219015525&aid=eIv03bYcIEc
GIPL - 2025 Green Team Summit
Georgia Interfaith Power & Light (GIPL) cordially invites you to join us for our annual Green Team Summit on Sunday, February 23, 2025, from 2-8 p.m. at Northside United Methodist Church in Atlanta.
Green Team Summits are opportunities for Green Teams, faith leaders, and environmental activists from across Georgia to gather for a time of fellowship and shared learning. This year's theme is “Seeding Life.” This summit aims to cultivate a shared vision for a flourishing world rooted in hope and joy. Participants will learn more about GIPL’s new ReWilding program for sustainable land use, as well as other practical climate solutions, and policy initiatives that will seed new life in their congregations and communities.
This year's keynote speaker (to be announced soon) will inspire faith communities to live out a faith that is grounded in active hope, embraces resilient change, and sows the seeds for a healthier, more vibrant world. The summit will also offer a series of workshops that will help equip congregations to build Green Teams, combat climate change through practical climate solutions, and engage in climate advocacy at the local, state, and federal levels.
Registration opens in November.
Boundaries Training
The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta requires all ministers of the Word and Sacrament and commissioned ruling elders, including members at large, ministers serving in a validated ministry, and retired ministers serving a church in any Presbytery-approved relationship, to take the Presbytery’s Boundaries Training once every three years.
For more information about Boundaries Training and/or to register, click the button below.
ACFB Hunger Walk/Run 5k
Since 1984, the Hunger Walk/Run has been an annual 5K/“fun run” of The Atlanta Community Food Bank and its partners. Proceeds benefit the ACFB and other local nonprofits, programs, and ministries focused on hunger relief. These benefiting partner organizations help recruit participants and receive a percentage of the funds raised to support their direct hunger relief programs.
As a benefiting partner, the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta keeps 60% of the funds we raise as a presbytery, which supports our Diaconal Grants program. All Presbytery of Greater Atlanta churches are eligible to apply for a Diaconal Grant to support hunger initiatives within their congregation. The remaining 40% that we raise goes to the Atlanta Community Food Bank where - among many other outstanding results - they leverage every $1 into $9 worth of groceries for hunger relief (enough for 4 meals!).
How it Works:
1. Register as part of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta (link below). If you do not register as part of the presbytery, funds raised do not contribute to the presbytery’s grant fund.
2. Start a Team, Join a Team, Reactivate a Team, Register as an Individual, and/or Donate toward a team/individual’s goal. Your team may be called the “{Church Name} Team” or you can get creative! Churches may have multiple teams. Have fun!
3. If you register as a team, your Team Captain will need to register first to Start/Reactivate the Team. Then, additional team members may Join the Team.
4. Leading up to the Walk/Run, invite people to donate toward your team or individual goal.
5. Return to the link below to track team/individual progress and monitor the presbytery’s collective fundraising toward hunger relief.
Questions? Contact Victoria Robinson - victoria@roswellpres.org
Register, Donate, Track, etc: https://engage.acfb.org/site/TR?fr_id=2167&pg=entry
Clerk of Session Training
Clerk of Session Training
Clerks of session are invited to attend a training session on Thursday, March 13 at 7:00 PM. Clerks of session are key players in gathering, recording, and communicating the work of the church. Join us for training for new and experienced clerks alike as we review the responsibilities of clerks, discuss the different approaches to this important work, and explore ways to streamline and simplify this work. This session will be conducted via Zoom and recorded for later review. Please register at the link below by Tuesday, March 11, 2025.
Boundaries Training
The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta requires all ministers of the Word and Sacrament and commissioned ruling elders, including members at large, ministers serving in a validated ministry, and retired ministers serving a church in any Presbytery-approved relationship, to take the Presbytery’s Boundaries Training once every three years.
For more information about Boundaries Training and/or to register, click the button below.
Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising (ECRF)
Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising (ECRF)
May 19-21
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Atlanta
This is a premier training program in stewardship and faith-based fundraising.
For PC(USA) pastors, there is also a scholarship offered through the Presbyterian Foundation to offset some of the costs of attending the ECRF.
Presbyterian Foundation Scholarship link: https://www.presbyterianfoundation.org/resources/church-financial-literacy-and-leadership-program/grant/
Presbyterian Youth Triennium
Presbyterian Youth Triennium
July 28-31, 2025
Louisville, Kentucky
Theme: As if We Were Dreaming (Psalm 126)
The Office of Presbyterian Youth and Triennium is excited to announce the theme for the 2025 Triennium: “As If We Were Dreaming…” (Psalm 126). From July 28-31, 2025, thousands of Presbyterian youth will gather in Louisville, Kentucky for four transformative days of worship, recreation, group study, and fellowship. Participants will be reminded that they are born to dream, invited to share in collective dreaming, learn to confront their nightmares, and encouraged to wake up and dream as they carry these experiences home.
The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta is eager to bring a group!
• Cost: $550 per youth participant | $525 per adult participant
• Registration Opens: January 1, 2025
• Registration Deadline: March 16, 2025
Next Steps for Church Leaders:
1. Finalize your group.
2. Send a list of names and a $100 deposit per person (checks made payable to Presbytery of Greater Atlanta) to:
McDonough Presbyterian Church
Attn: Destiny Williams
427 McGarity Road
McDonough, GA 30252
3. Once finalized, share the registration link (below) with all participants to complete their details. (https://forms.gle/6K1R6tBbqzuhCfxW8)
Questions? Contact Destiny Williams, Director of Youth at McDonough Presbyterian Church:
Conversations with the Clerk
Conversations with the Clerk
Join Stated Clerk Andy James for a series of gatherings to follow up on the actions of the General Assembly and discuss other polity and procedure matters of the Presbytery!
Upcoming Conversations:
Monday, January 6, 2025, 7:00 P.M.: Proposed Amendments to the Book of Order
Click the link below to register for one or more upcoming conversations.
Previous Conversations with the Clerk can be viewed on YouTube > Playlist: Conversations with the Clerk.
Christmas Joy Offering
Christmas Joy
December 1 - December 24, 2024
The Christmas Joy Offering has been a cherished Presbyterian tradition since the 1930s. The Offering distributes gifts equally to the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions and to Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. The Assistance Program provides critical financial support to church workers and their families. Presbyterian-related schools and colleges provide education and leadership development while nurturing racial and ethnic heritage. This has been a Presbyterian commitment for nearly 140 years.
Information/Resources: https://specialofferings.pcusa.org/offering/christmas-joy/
Ordination of MJ Kim
Ordination of MJ Kim
Saturday, December 21st, 11 A.M.
Emory University Hospital T-239
1364 Clifton Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30322
Join us as we celebrate the Ordination of MJ Kim as a Minister of the Word and Sacrament, serving in a validated ministry as a chaplain fellow at Emory University Hospital. The service will take place in room T-239 at Emory University Hospital on Saturday, December 21, 2024 at 11:00 A.M. (ET).
An offering will be received to benefit the Committee on Preparation for Ministry Scholarship Fund.
Ordination of Courtney Anne Henry
Ordination of Courtney Anne Henry at Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church
Sunday, December 15, 2024 at 3:00 PM
Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church
Join us as we celebrate the Ordination of Courtney Anne Henry at Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church. The service will take place at Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church on Sunday, December 15, 2024 at 3:00 PM (ET).
An offering is to be received to benefit the Committee on Preparation for Ministry Scholarship Fund.
Now What? A PCUSA Town Hall on Protecting Immigrant & Refugee Rights Near and Far
On behalf of the Office of Immigration Issues, Migration Accompaniment Ministries, and the Office of Public Witness we invite you to join us for:
Now What?
A PCUSA Town Hall on Protecting Immigrant & Refugee Rights Near and Far
December 11th, 2024 at 5:30 PM EST
Registration: https://bit.ly/PCUSATownHall
This zoom gathering is designed to help concerned Presbyterians discern what we can do now to prepare for the new Administration's anti-immigrant policies. We will share how the Presbyterian Church USA denominational offices are gearing up and what resources are already available. This is also a time to share your particular concerns so that our offices can support you and your congregations in the year ahead as we seek to be faithful in the midst of potentially devasting actions for our families, our churches and our communities.
Amanda Craft, Advocacy Manager, Office of Immigration Issues
Christina Cosby, Mission Associate, Office of Public Witness
Susan Krehbiel, Associate, Migration Accompaniment Ministries, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Omar Salinas Chacón, Mission Specialist, Migration Accompaniment Ministries, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Kimberly Wagner to preach on ‘Day 1’
Kimberly Wagner to preach on ‘Day 1’
Assistant professor of preaching at Princeton Theological Seminary
The Rev. Dr. Kimberly Wagner, assistant professor of preaching at Princeton Theological Seminary, is the featured preacher Dec. 1 and Dec. 8 on “Day 1,” with host Katie Givens Kime, the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible online at Day1.org and by podcast. Hear the program in Atlanta on WSB 95.5 and 750 AM Sundays at 7:05 a.m. "Day1" has been on WSB for 79 years.
“Advent Alertness,” the sermon for Dec. 1 explores Luke: 25-36. She says, “Advent is a time of waiting. But, as our text makes clear, it is not a time for passive waiting. It is a time of active waiting. We are to live preparing, anticipating, expecting that Jesus may show up at any moment.”
She draws the Dec. 6 sermon “Showing Up” from Luke 3:1-6. “I don’t know about you, but the minute we begin the litany, all those names at the start of today’s text in Luke, I catch my mind wandering,” she says. “The author of the Gospel takes the time to give us these names because they are actually important . . . . You see, Luke wants to make clear early on that this story he is about to unwind about Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of the Most High God, is not some abstract fairy tale or some timeless myth. Luke makes clear that God is not working in abstract other-worldly time, but in the context of human, historical time—in the middle of real life.”
A graduate of Miami University (OH), Wagner earned her M.Div. from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University and her Ph.D. from the Graduate Division of Religion at Emory University. She is ordained in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). She served on the pastoral staff at Green Acres Presbyterian Church, a PCUSA congregation in Virginia. She is passionate about supporting students’ formation and helping clergy and communities navigate the realities of an ever-changing world and church. Her current writing and work focus on preaching and ministry in the midst and wake of trauma, particularly thinking about collective trauma, the role of the preacher, and the resources of our Scriptures and faith to respond to these moments. Wagner’s book, Fractured Ground: Preaching in the Wake of Mass Trauma(Westminster John Knox Press, 2023), offers guidance for preaching in the aftermath of communal trauma, including mass violence, natural disasters, and public health crises.
The programs include interviews with Wagner conducted by Kime, who is also executive producer.
“Day 1” has been broadcast every week for 79 years, formerly as “The Protestant Hour.” Featuring outstanding preachers from the mainline denominations, “Day 1” is currently distributed to radio stations across America and overseas, and the “Day1 Weekly Program” is on all podcast apps. The program is produced by the Alliance for Christian Media, based in Atlanta, Ga. "Day 1"® is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by the Alliance for Christian Media, Inc. For more information, check the program’s website, http://day1.org
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Guns to Gardens
Oakhurst Presbyterian Church will host a gun safe surrender event on Saturday, December 7, 2024, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. in the church parking lot at 118 Second Avenue, Decatur (enter parking from East Lake Drive).
Bring your unloaded firearms stored in the trunk of your vehicle. Guns will be dismantled and sent to RAWtools to be made into garden tools. We are holding this event because we are concerned about the high level of gun violence in our State and across the country. Anyone can bring unwanted and unloaded guns to be dismantled and made into garden tools. (Ammunition is not accepted.) If you feel it is no longer safe or desirable for you to have a gun in your home, this is a way of responsibly disposing of unwanted guns without returning them to the gun marketplace.
The event honors those killed in the Sandy Hook School shooting in December 2012, and many who die, are injured or experience trauma each day because of gun violence. Co-sponsors of this event are: Atlanta Friends Meeting, Social Concerns Committee; Druid Hills Presbyterian Church; North Decatur Presbyterian Church, Peace & Justice Committee; Oakhurst Baptist Church; and Saint Mark United Methodist Church. For more information please call 404-378-6284.
1st Wednesday SACK Lunch
1st Wednesday SACK Lunch
South Atlantic Community Knowledge
A monthly Zoom for sharing across the synod!
Join, learn and share: experience, resources, and best practices on a new topic each month.
First Wednesday SACK Lunch
12/4/24 Racial Justice/Social
Information: https://www.synodofsouthatlantic.org/
Registration: https://form.jotform.com/240293832066052
POAMN - Supporting Older Adults in the “Third Thirty”
Supporting Older Adults in the “Third Thirty”
Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network
December 3, 2 PM (ET)
Learn about the challenges of aging, how older adults can best navigate them, and how the church can provide support. Chris Pomfret, a 10-year member of POAMN and its current treasurer, will lead the webinar.
Chris observed how his parents and many others were unprepared for events that come their way in their later lives. These include decisions about where to live as they age, the importance of downsizing, and having conversations with children or loved ones about our end-of-life wishes. He wanted to help people in this “Third Thirty” period age smartly, wisely, gracefully, sensibly, and spiritually.
During the webinar, Chris will introduce an ecumenical curriculum for church organizations and/or older adult leaders to use or adapt with their congregations.
The webinar is free; registration is required.
Register: https://poamn.org/third-thirty-webinar-2024/
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/449824228138878/
Boundaries Training
The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta requires all ministers of the Word and Sacrament and commissioned ruling elders, including members at large, ministers serving in a validated ministry, and retired ministers serving a church in any Presbytery-approved relationship, to take the Presbytery’s Boundaries Training once every three years.
For more information about Boundaries Training and/or to register, click the button below.
Giving Tuesday - NCDC Emergency Fund
GOAL: $10,000
At the New Church Development Commission, we walk alongside an average of 50-60 individuals each year as they discern and/or navigate what it means to start and build a new worshiping community. Most of these leaders are multivocational, meaning they have multiple jobs as their worshiping community is newly forming, low income, and/or otherwise unable to financially support leadership.
At times, leaders experience hardship and need assistance. This year alone, we have had fire destroy a leader’s home, Hurricane damage prove too costly to bear, medical challenges financially devastate , children of leaders need unaffordable basics, cars that are essential to ministry break down, etc. Financial challenges for volunteer and/or underpaid church leaders are legion.
During the month leading up to Giving Tuesday, NCDC is raising funds for NCDC’s Emergency Fund, which assists in times of need. In this Thanksgiving season, we give thanks for all that our new worshiping community leaders contribute to the life of this Presbytery and to so many people. In this Thanksgiving season, we also thank you for being there in times of need. Your support is nothing less than breathtaking and literally life-giving.
Retiree Christmas Luncheon
Retiree Christmas Luncheon
Monday, December 2, 2024 at 12 PM
All retired Pastors, Christian Educators, and Validated Ministers will receive an invitation with more details and registration within the first week in November.
Presbyterian Village
2000 E West Connector
Austell, GA 30106
When you arrive at Presbyterian Village, follow signs saying “Event” to the location of the lunch.
Bus transportation will be provided by Presbyterian Village from Trinity PC in Atlanta.
If you prefer to ride the bus from Trinity PC Atlanta, please designate when you register.
“Presbyterian Village” Bus
Trinity Presbyterian Church
3003 Howell Mill Road
Atlanta, Ga
Meet the parking lot in front of the sanctuary
Leave the Trinity parking lot at 11 am
Return from Presbyterian Village leaving around 1:45 pm
Registration Deadline: November 22
Kimberly Wagner to preach on ‘Day 1’
Kimberly Wagner to preach on ‘Day 1’
Assistant professor of preaching at Princeton Theological Seminary
The Rev. Dr. Kimberly Wagner, assistant professor of preaching at Princeton Theological Seminary, is the featured preacher Dec. 1 and Dec. 8 on “Day 1,” with host Katie Givens Kime, the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible online at Day1.org and by podcast. Hear the program in Atlanta on WSB 95.5 and 750 AM Sundays at 7:05 a.m. "Day1" has been on WSB for 79 years.
“Advent Alertness,” the sermon for Dec. 1 explores Luke: 25-36. She says, “Advent is a time of waiting. But, as our text makes clear, it is not a time for passive waiting. It is a time of active waiting. We are to live preparing, anticipating, expecting that Jesus may show up at any moment.”
She draws the Dec. 6 sermon “Showing Up” from Luke 3:1-6. “I don’t know about you, but the minute we begin the litany, all those names at the start of today’s text in Luke, I catch my mind wandering,” she says. “The author of the Gospel takes the time to give us these names because they are actually important . . . . You see, Luke wants to make clear early on that this story he is about to unwind about Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of the Most High God, is not some abstract fairy tale or some timeless myth. Luke makes clear that God is not working in abstract other-worldly time, but in the context of human, historical time—in the middle of real life.”
A graduate of Miami University (OH), Wagner earned her M.Div. from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University and her Ph.D. from the Graduate Division of Religion at Emory University. She is ordained in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). She served on the pastoral staff at Green Acres Presbyterian Church, a PCUSA congregation in Virginia. She is passionate about supporting students’ formation and helping clergy and communities navigate the realities of an ever-changing world and church. Her current writing and work focus on preaching and ministry in the midst and wake of trauma, particularly thinking about collective trauma, the role of the preacher, and the resources of our Scriptures and faith to respond to these moments. Wagner’s book, Fractured Ground: Preaching in the Wake of Mass Trauma(Westminster John Knox Press, 2023), offers guidance for preaching in the aftermath of communal trauma, including mass violence, natural disasters, and public health crises.
The programs include interviews with Wagner conducted by Kime, who is also executive producer.
“Day 1” has been broadcast every week for 79 years, formerly as “The Protestant Hour.” Featuring outstanding preachers from the mainline denominations, “Day 1” is currently distributed to radio stations across America and overseas, and the “Day1 Weekly Program” is on all podcast apps. The program is produced by the Alliance for Christian Media, based in Atlanta, Ga. "Day 1"® is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by the Alliance for Christian Media, Inc. For more information, check the program’s website, http://day1.org
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75th Anniversary of Trinity Presbyterian Church Atlanta
75th Anniversary of Trinity Presbyterian Church in Atlanta
Next month will mark the 75th anniversary of Trinity church and we have much for which to be grateful! We hope you will join us on November 17 as we worship through music, and plan to stay after our 11:00 worship service as we celebrate Norman Mackenzie’s 40 years of service here.
The following Sunday, on November 24, we will gather for a morning of thanksgiving for Trinity's history and sharing joy for God's future. At 10:00, we will enjoy a 75th anniversary video, and our 11:00 worship will echo the service of dedication of Trinity's sanctuary when it was newly constructed. After worship, we will gather as a church family for a catered luncheon in Williams Hall. Please RSVP and join us to celebrate!
2025 Legislative Issues Forum
Save the Date!
2025 Legislative Issues Forum
Hosted by Presbyterians for a Better Georgia
November 21, 2024
7:00-8:10 p.m. via Zoom
Come learn about the issues our legislature will consider in 2025 and how best to advocate for healthcare and housing for all Georgians!
Speakers to include: Rep. Michelle Au (D Johns Creek, physician on Public Health Committee)
Roland Behm, Esq. advocate and co-founder of the Georgia Mental Health Policy Priorities coalition.
PCUSA Ministry Engagement and Support
What: PCUSA Ministry Update: Stay in the Loop!
Where: Columbia Seminary, Ellis Room (adjacent to the Cafeteria)
When: Nov. 20, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Join us on November 20, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for a conversation about important changes happening in the PCUSA. Connect with denominational staff, mid-council leaders, and local pastors to discuss key actions from the 226th General Assembly, updates to Churchwide Special Offerings, the evolving work of the new Interim Unified Agency, and much more! This is a great opportunity to stay informed, ask questions, and share your thoughts—don’t miss it!
Conversations with the Clerk
Conversations with the Clerk
Join Stated Clerk Andy James for a series of gatherings to follow up on the actions of the General Assembly and discuss other polity and procedure matters of the Presbytery!
Upcoming Conversations:
Tuesday, November 19, 7:00 P.M.: Statistics Planning for 2025
Monday, January 6, 2025, 7:00 P.M.: Proposed Amendments to the Book of Order
Click the link below to register for one or more upcoming conversations.
Previous Conversations with the Clerk can be viewed on YouTube > Playlist: Conversations with the Clerk.
Installation of Joseph Jumper
Installation of Joseph Jumper as Associate Pastor at Shallowford Presbyterian Church
Sunday, November 17, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Shallowford Presbyterian Church
Join us as we celebrate the Installation of Joseph Jumper as Associate Pastor at Shallowford Presbyterian Church. The service will take place at Shallowford Presbyterian Church on Sunday, November 17, 2024 at 6:00 PM (ET).
An offering is to be received to benefit the Emergency Fund for Pastors.
Fall Music Sunday
Fall Music Sunday
Trinity Presbyterian Church in Atlanta
Celebrating Norman Mackenzie’s 40 Years of Service
Next month will mark the 75th anniversary of Trinity church and we have much for which to be grateful! We hope you will join us on November 17 as we worship through music, and plan to stay after our 11:00 worship service as we celebrate Norman Mackenzie’s 40 years of service here.
The following Sunday, on November 24, we will gather for a morning of thanksgiving for Trinity's history and sharing joy for God's future. At 10:00, we will enjoy a 75th anniversary video, and our 11:00 worship will echo the service of dedication of Trinity's sanctuary when it was newly constructed. After worship, we will gather as a church family for a catered luncheon in Williams Hall. Please RSVP and join us to celebrate!
Peachtree Presbyterian Church's Sanctuary Grand Opening
Join Peachtree Presbyterian Church as they welcome you into their newly renovated Sanctuary! Please consider attending either the 8:30am or 11:15am service as they are expecting large crowds on Sunday, November 17th.
AMIS Thanksgiving Fest
Enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving meal with AMIS! A vegetarian meal can be requested. Please pre-purchase a ticket for this catered meal. Student meals will be $6, and Volunteer meals $16. We don't want cost to keep you from coming, so there is a "Pay What You Can" ticket option. Seating will be prearranged so everyone will meet new friends from other countries and schools.
Make your payment by purchasing a meal here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with a QR code and further information about this event.
Volunteers will be invited to serve as conversation table hosts.
Family, friends, and international and American students are welcome, too!
The Rest Retreat
The Rest Retreat
Dates: November 14-17, 2024
Hotel: Elohee
Location: Bald Mountain, Sautee Nacoochee, GA
Information/Registration: https://www.thefaithstudio.org/the-rest-retreat
Installation of Landon Dillard
Installation of Landon Dillard as Associate Pastor for Faith Formation at Shallowford Presbyterian Church
Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 11:00 A.M. (ET)
Shallowford Presbyterian Church
Join us as we celebrate the Installation of Landon Dillard as Associate Pastor for Faith Formation at Shallowford Presbyterian Church. The service will take place at Shallowford Presbyterian Church on Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 11:00 A.M. (ET).
An offering is to be received to benefit the Emergency Fund for Pastors.
The Rev. Dr. Margaret Grun Kibben to preach on ‘Day 1’
The Rev. Dr. Margaret Grun Kibben to preach on ‘Day 1’
Chaplain, U.S. House of Representatives
The Rev. Dr. Margaret Grun Kibben, chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives, is the featured preacher November 10, 2024, the day before Veterans Day, on “Day 1” with host Katie Givens Kime, the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible online at Day1.org and by podcast. Kibben made history as the first woman to serve as the Chief of Chaplains of the U.S. Navy and the Chaplain of the U.S. Marine Corps. On January 3, 2021, Chaplain Kibben was elected by the House and sworn in by Speaker Nancy Pelosi as the 61st Chaplain of the United States House of Representatives.
“Give and Take” is based on 1 Kings 17:8-16, the story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath. The Lord has sent Elijah to the widow to be fed. It is a time of famine in the land and she only has a few drops of oil and a handful of flour. She is able to fed Elijah and her family and her provisions are miraculously replenished. “It feels like there ought to be some sort of mic drop here. The testimony of the widows’ faith is strong enough – significant enough – to offer a convincing testimony of blind faith, to teach us about hospitality, trust, and obedience, to reassure us of God’s … promise,” she says. “Well yes, and countless sermons have done just that. But to read this story in context is to discover a profound illustration of what it is God desires to give – not just to the widow, but all who believe in him.”
The program includes interviews with Kibben conducted by Kime, who is also executive producer. Kibben shares her experience providing spiritual care as chaplain sheltering with the U.S. House of Representatives on January 6.
In her final active-duty assignment in the Navy, Chaplain Margaret Grun Kibben served as the director of religious ministry for the Department of the Navy, advising the Secretary of the Navy, the Chief of Naval Operations, the Commandant of the Marine Corps, and the Commandant of the Coast Guard on all matters pertaining to religion in their respective services. Prior to this assignment, Chaplain Kibben served as the 18th Chaplain of the Marine Corps and Deputy Chief of Chaplains.
A native of Warrington, Pennsylvania, Chaplain Kibben entered active duty in 1986 through the Navy’s Theological Student Program. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Goucher College, M. Div. and D.Min. degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a Master’s degree in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College. Kibben served as a senior fellow, United States Institute of Peace, Washington, D.C. Chaplain serves on the Princeton Theological Seminary Board of Trustees and the Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence Board, and the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation.
“Day 1” has been broadcast every week for 79 years, formerly as “The Protestant Hour.” Featuring outstanding preachers from the mainline denominations, “Day 1” is currently distributed radio stations across America and overseas, and the “Day1 Weekly Program” is on all podcast apps. The program is produced by the Alliance for Christian Media, based in Atlanta, Ga. "Day 1"® is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by the Alliance for Christian Media, Inc. For more information, check the program’s website, http://day1.org.
In Atlanta Day1 is heard on WSB 95.5 and 750 AM on Sunday at 7:05 a.m.
# # #
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery - Mt. Vernon
The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta holds quarterly Stated Meetings to conduct business and join in worship together.
For more information about Stated Meetings (including links to registration, submit absence requests, download the current Commissioner Handbook, etc.), click the button below.
Some items, such as the Commissioner Handbook, registration link, etc., will be made available a couple of weeks prior to each event.
1st Wednesday SACK Lunch
1st Wednesday SACK Lunch
South Atlantic Community Knowledge
A monthly Zoom for sharing across the synod!
Join, learn and share: experience, resources, and best practices on a new topic each month.
First Wednesday SACK Lunch
11/6/24 Mental Health Ministries
12/4/24 Racial Justice/Social
Information: https://www.synodofsouthatlantic.org/
Registration: https://form.jotform.com/240293832066052
Druid Hills Election Day Event
Vote, Pray, Sing Event Tuesday, November 5
On a day of high hopes and high anxieties, our sanctuary will be open to the community 11:00am - 7:00pm as a space for contemplation, prayer, enjoyment, and rest.
We will have prayer stations and a mix of music throughout the day, plus short prayer services at 12:00 and at 6:00pm.
All are welcome to drop in to find peace and renewal in this sacred space. See Pastor Betsy to sign up for a one hour or longer slot to be part of hosting this event for our community.
75th Anniversary of Oglethorpe PC
Oglethorpe's 75th Anniversary
November 3rd
Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church
3016 Lanier Dr. NE
Brookhaven, GA 30319
Global Village Project Welcome Walk 2024
Join us in celebrating 16 years of impact on refugee girls' education! On Saturday, November 2, Global Village Project will host its annual Welcome Walk. The Walk represents our commitment to making Atlanta a refuge for refugees to live, learn, and thrive.
Over 300 people will gather to walk 4 miles from Clarkston to Decatur. Not ready to walk 4 miles? No worries! Our buses are available throughout the day to pick you up anywhere along the route and take you to the finish line celebration. Join students, parents, teachers, volunteers, and friends of GVP's mission as we seek to strengthen connections between communities.
Walking or donating to this event is not just about covering the miles; it's about making a tangible difference in the lives of our students.
Event Details
Date: Saturday, November 2nd, 2024
Time: 9:00 a.m - 1:30 p.m
Registration: 9:00 a.m
Program Begins: 9:45 a.m
Walkers Depart: 10 a.m
Celebration Finish Line: 11:30 a.m- 1:30 p.m
Start Line: Clarkston Market (980 Rowland Street, Clarkston)
Finish Line: Global Village Project/ Decatur Presbyterian Church (205 Sycamore Street, Decatur)
Who can Walk? Everyone! This is a family-friendly event for all ages! Children under 6 are free. (Remember, we have a bus if you only want to walk a portion of the route!)
Learn More, Donate, Register: https://p2p.onecause.com/gvpwalk
New Elder Training
New Elder Training, Part 1
Saturday, November 2, 2024 - 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Atlanta Good Church, 3330 Chestnut Dr, Doraville, GA 30340
If being an elder is new to you, we want you to come to this event!
Designed to onramp those who are new to being an elder and/or new to the PCUSA, this in person training will be held at Atlanta Good Church in Duluth, will offer language interpretation services, and is open to all leaders of our Presbytery. Taught by Pastors Sun Ki Jeong, Lindsay Armstrong, and Andy James, this training offers a rich blend of large and small group learning, reflection, and fellowship. It is specifically designed for church leaders who are new to being on leadership of a Presbyterian Church or who are going to be on the inaugural Session of a newly chartered church.
RSVP by October 28, 2024 - Reservations required.