2025 Bandy Preaching Conference
2025 Bandy Preaching Conference
Sacred Symphonies: The Word & Song
Celebrate and explore the collaborative creativity of the preacher and the psalmist in the worship experience.
Theomusicologist Jon Michael Spencer describes the intersection of melody, rhythm, harmony, form, improvisation, and movement in the sermon and song as a “sacred symphony.” The 2025 Bandy Preaching Conference at Candler, “Sacred Symphonies: The Word & Song,” will explore this theme, led by a stellar ensemble of more than 20 ministers, musicians, scholars, and worship planners.
The conference will feature an opening concert, worship, lectures, panel discussions, and breakout sessions. In person on Emory’s campus in Atlanta, with selected sessions online.
Visit bit.ly/bandy-2025 for details and to register.
This event is made possible by the Aggie and Jack Bandy Distinguished Chair in Preaching endowment at Candler School of Theology, with additional support from Candler’s Whiteside Lecture in Preaching endowment.

Boundaries Training
The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta requires all ministers of the Word and Sacrament and commissioned ruling elders, including members at large, ministers serving in a validated ministry, and retired ministers serving a church in any Presbytery-approved relationship, to take the Presbytery’s Boundaries Training once every three years.
For more information about Boundaries Training and/or to register, click the button below.

National Faith + Climate Forum 2025
National Faith + Climate Forum 2025
Register now for the National Faith + Climate Forum. Join us on March 27, 2025 in-person with others at a location near you, or online from your home or office for invaluable resources and support to champion creation care in your church and community.
Can’t make it to an in-person gathering? No problem!
Join the Forum live-stream from wherever you are, and experience the full program from your home or office.
Consider organizing a local gathering at your church to participate collectively.

Day of Celebration Honoring the Installation of Rev. Dr. Maisha I. Handy
Day of Celebration Honoring the Installation of
Rev. Dr. Maisha I. Handy
as the 12th President of McCormick Theological Seminary
McCormick's Board of Trustees warmly invite you to join us on March 28, 2025 for a day full of celebration honoring the installation of Rev. Dr. Maisha I. Handy as the 12th president of McCormick Theological Seminary.
Join us for the formal ceremony marking the public affirmation of our community's support and welcome for our new leader.
Installation Service
11 AM-12:30 PM
First Baptist Congregational Church
1613 W Washington Blvd
Chicago, IL 60612
We ask that anyone representing a college or university or serving in an official clergy role wear their regalia or vestments and plan on joining us in a procession during the service.
Come celebrate & be inspired by Dr. Handy's compelling vision for McCormick and her commitment to fostering growth and excellence within our institution.
Let’s Get Jazzy: A Dinner & Music Benefit Concert
7 PM-10 PM
Little Black Pearl Workshop
1060 E 47th St
Chicago, IL 60653
This benefit dinner will feature jazzy performances by our special musical guests, Nythia Martinez and Rev. Dr. Ozzie Smith Jr., along with our featured artist, CC Sunchild.
Our event is not only a celebration of new leadership but also a chance to support a worthy institution that plays a vital role in theological education. We look forward to sharing this special occasion with you! Click the button to reserve your spot:
Are you joining us from out of town, or needing accommodations near the event locations? We have special room rates available.
Option #1 — Hyatt Place Chicago South/University Medical Center
5225 S. Harper Ave, Chicago, IL 60615
Dates: Thursday, March 27 - Saturday, March 29 Note: Should you wish to stay outside of these dates, you must book your reservation for the group block dates online first and then reach out to Teja Syers in sales via email (teja.syers@hyatt.com) with your confirmation number to add the additional nights. Trying to include additional dates not listed above will result in a “Invalid Code” message.
Group Name: Hyatt Place Chicago South – McCormick Theological Seminary Block
Group Rate: $209
Group Code: G-MCT1
Booking Deadline: Must book by Thursday, March 13
Option #2 — Sophy Hotel Hyde Park
1411 E 53rd St, Chicago, IL 60615
Questions? Send us an email.

AMIS: An Afternoon of International Tea
An Afternoon of International Tea
a Fundraiser for AMIS
Saturday, March 29, 2025
2:00 - 4:00 pm
North Avenue Presbyterian Church
607 Peachtree St. NE, Atlanta, GA 30308
AMIS Atlanta invites you to join us in a celebration of the amazing international students and scholars who we support through our mission of promoting cultural and global understanding through friendship and hospitality. Our Afternoon of International Tea will bring together the AMIS community to exchange stories of international friendship and crossing cultures, while enjoying a sampling of international beverages and refreshments from across the globe.
Information/Registration: https://www.amisatlanta.org/tea

Druid Hills Community Music Series
Druid Hills Presbyterian Church
1026 Ponce de Leon Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30306
Our Musical Arts Series for the Community Presents
Ken Cowan, organist
In concert
Saturday, March 29, 2025
7:00 p.m.
Free admission and on-site parking

Day 1: The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long
Tom Long to preach
Bandy Professor of Preaching Emeritus, Candler School of Theology
The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long, Bandy Professor of Preaching Emeritus at Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, is the featured “Day1” preacher for the fourth Sunday in Lent, March 30, with host Katie Givens Kime, the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible online at Day1.org and by podcast. The first Protestant Hour broadcast was Easter, April 1, 1945. The program was originally broadcast live from the WSB Radio studios in Atlanta.
“There Was a Man Who Had Two Sons” is drawn from the story in Luke 15:11-32 of the prodigal son. “If like the older son, we feel ignored and unappreciated,” he says. “Whoever we are, and whatever broken places we have in our lives, look up, and we will see, coming toward us from the house, the God who, in compassion and mercy, will give us just the love we need.”
Long is a graduate of Erskine College and earned his M.Div. from Erskine Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary. He is the author of more than two dozen books. The latest is “Proclaiming the Parables: Preaching and Teaching the Kingdom of God.” Preaching magazine named his “Witness of Preaching” one of the 25 most influential books on preaching in the past 25 years. Long is an ordained Presbyterian minister. Before moving to Candler, he also taught at Princeton Theological Seminary and Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Ga.
The program includes interviews with Long conducted by Kime, who is also executive producer.
“Day1” has been broadcast every week for 80 years, formerly as “The Protestant Hour.”Featuring outstanding preachers from the mainline denominations, “Day 1” is currently distributed to radio stations across America and overseas. The program is produced by the Alliance for Christian Media, based in Atlanta. For more information, check the program’s website, http://day1.org.
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In Their Shoes 10 Mile Challenge
Join us for In Their Shoes Benefitting Central Outreach and Advocacy Center
by Kimberly Parker, Executive Director, Central Outreach and Advocacy Center
Did you know that the average person experiencing homelessness walks 10 miles per day? Join Central Outreach & Advocacy Center to walk in their 5th annual In Their Shoes: 10 Mile Challenge on March 30th, 2025 to bring awareness to the daily challenges faced by those experiencing homelessness in our city! The Challenge will begin on March 2nd and conclude on March 30th.
For the challenge, participants of all ages, abilities, and fitness levels are invited to move a total of 9 miles at their own pace, reflecting on the daily journey of those experiencing homelessness, and join the other In Their Shoes participants on March 30th to walk the last mile together at COAC’s headquarters in Downtown Atlanta, followed by a celebratory lunch gathering.
You can register for this event by visiting the website here. All the proceeds will go towards the life-changing work taking place daily at Central Outreach & Advocacy Center.
We hope you, your family, and your friends will join us as we walk and support COAC’s mission to open doors and prevent homelessness in Atlanta! If you have any questions or wish to be a sponsor, please reach out to Caroline at development@centraloac.org.

Stony Point Center’s 75th Anniversary and Social Justice Summit
Stony Point Center’s 75th Anniversary and Social Justice Summit
Recognizing 75 years of service, Stony Point Center is hosting both a celebration of its history & a social justice summit. The anniversary festivities include stories, music, and images on Fri. evening, a gala on Sat. and worship/dedication of a memorial grove on Sun. From 10-6 on Sat. the social justice summit will help inspire, equip, & connect the current congregations and organizations who use this space. Primary topics include Racism & Immigration, Gender Justice, Poverty & Housing. Portions of the weekend will be streamed.
Info/Registration: https://stonypointcenter.org/programs/programs/socialjusticesummit/
Additional Information: https://pcusa.org/events/social-justice-summit-stony-point-centers-75th-anniversary/april-4th-2025-0300pm

Session Records Review
Session Records Review
Registration is now open for the annual review of session records. Here are the dates and registration links:
Tuesday, April 8, 6:30pm at Peachtree Presbyterian Church - register here
Thursday, May 8, 6:30pm at Fairview Presbyterian Church - register here
Saturday, June 7, 9:30am at Peachtree City First Presbyterian Church - register here
Thursday, July 10, 10:00am at the Presbytery Office - register here
Registration, forms, and additional information can be found on the Clerk’s Corner page: www.atlpcusa.org/clerks-corner

The Cost of Poverty
The Cost of Poverty - An Interactive Experience at Northwest Presbyterian
Join us at Northwest Presbyterian for an interactive experience to explore the impact of poverty on April 13th at 12:30, with an optional lunch at 12:00.
The Cost of Poverty Experience is a 2½-hour simulation that explores the lived experience of poverty firsthand through the eyes of real families. The experiential nature of this training helps organizations and communities more deeply understand the human and systemic impacts of poverty.
For years, many top down or well-intentioned approaches to poverty have left out the wisdom and leadership of those closest to the challenges. Created with the input of individuals with personal experience in poverty, COPE sheds light on these challenges and catalyzes meaningful dialogue and action. This experience challenges participants to rethink poverty, respond effectively, and partner with those affected for change.
This event is appropriate for ages middle school and up. Email Heather to sign up at HeatherFranklin@bcmgeorgia.org.

Deadline: Beyond the Building Grants
Beyond the Building Grants
Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
-Ephesians 3:20-21
Objective: This year the Presbytery is focusing on the gift of what it means to be the church beyond the walls of our local buildings. As part of this focus, the Presbytery and Peachtree Presbyterian Church are partnering to award grants to congregations and new worshiping communities to support changes to their property, personnel, or programming that will encourage them in making disciples and caring for those in need.
Who can apply? Congregations and new worshiping communities within the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta who can demonstrate need and share the story of how the funds can help them to think outside the box and connect to others. Applications must be approved by the session of the
congregation or leadership team of the new worshiping community.
How much will be awarded? We have set aside $50,000 in partnership funds in order to award grants ranging in size from $2,500 to $10,000.
Recipient Expectations: Within six months of the receipt of funds, each recipient will be asked to share a story with the wider presbytery on ways the funds opened pathways for your congregation or new worshiping community to think beyond the building. Be creative! We encourage story telling through testimony, videos, worship experiences, photography, and the arts.
Our Fall Stated Meeting in November 2025 will include time for celebrating the work of our Beyond the Building Grant recipients as we begin sharing the stories from this partnership in this and other presbytery communication spaces.
Application Process: Apply now! The application will close on April 17, 2025. The review team will consider these applications together, with any additional funds made available to applications received after the deadline. Awardees will be named at the Spring Stated Meeting of the Presbytery on May 13. Please submit applications to grants@atlpcusa.org.

One Great Hour of Sharing Offering
One Great Hour of Sharing
March 5-April 20, 2025
Typically received during the season of Lent, each gift to One Great Hour of Sharing supports efforts to relieve hunger through the Presbyterian Hunger Program, promote development through the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People, and assist in areas of disaster through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. All three programs work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, their work fits together to provide people with safety, sustenance, and hope.
Information/Resources: https://pcusa.org/special-offerings/one-great-hour-sharing

Contemplative Retreat
Contemplative Retreat: Five-day Dual Track Centering Prayer Retreat
April 21-25, 2025
Course Description: This retreat is an opportunity for Centering Prayer Practitioners to deepen their contemplative journey in the contemporary world. It is a five-day experience of integrating contemplation and action through silence, solitude, and community.
The retreat offers two tracks.
The intensive track is recommended for people who have completed the introductory workshop and who have a regular practice of Centering Prayer. It includes Thomas Keating’s videos on the Human Condition with a faith sharing after each video teaching.
The post-intensive track is for people who have previously made an extended day intensive retreat. The post-intensive offers increased silence and additional periods of Centering Prayer.
The retreat provides group experiences of silence solitude and space for optional prayer times with the monks included Mass. Afternoon includes time for walking in natures and soul friending with retreat facilitators. The retreat experience fosters an ever-deepening level of interior silence and may lead to an awareness of the presence of God in everyday life.

77th Annual Come See Columbia Day
77th Annual Come See Columbia Day
April 24, 2024
Come See Columbia Day is a day for Presbyterian Women (and their friends) to come meet the Columbia Friendship Circle Scholarship recipient and see what classes and campus life are like at Columbia.
Come spend a day in the life of Columbia Seminary! Join us Thursday, April 24, for a day of worship, classes, lunch and a tour of Mission Haven. Come solo or with a group from your church. This makes a wonderful outing for your PW or Older Adult Ministry group! You will learn, be inspired and enjoy seeing what God is doing in the world. Find out more here!
Our two speakers during lunch will be current student, Abby Bunn and recent alumnus, Rev. Morgan Burge.
70th Anniversary: Westhills Presbyterian Church
70th Anniversary of Westhills Presbyterian Church
Saturday, April 26 – Banquet
To be held at New Life, guest speakers include Rev. Mark Lomax and Rev. Marinda Harris
Sunday, April 27 – Worship at Westhills, 11:00

2025 Forum on Youth Ministry
Forum on Youth Ministry
Presented by the Institute for Youth Ministry at Princeton Theological Seminary
April 29 to May 2
Princeton Theological Seminary
This year marks the IYM’s 30th anniversary, and we celebrate our three decades of impact as we rededicate ourselves to creating a bright and hopeful future for young people and those who care for them.
Featuring lectures by Rev. Dr. Kenda Creasy Dean and Dr. Andrew Root, this year’s Forum centers around the theme “Celebrate” and invites participants into deep reflection on the role that celebration plays in ministry with young people.
Our workshops will explore different nuances of celebration, including “Celebration as Activism,” led by the Rev. Traci Blackmon; “Celebration as Ritual,” led by the Rev. Dr. Drew Dyson; and “Celebration as Discipline,” led by the Rev. Dr. Darlene Hutto.

Thriving in Ministry Conference
As part of PC's Ecology of Calling Initiative (funded by a grant from the Lilly Endowment) we are excited to sponsor a conference for clergy and other church professionals entitled Thriving in Ministry. The conference will occur on our campus April 29 & 30. PC alumni will serve as the featured speakers, including Carson Ryhne, Jennifer Fouse Sheorn, Brandi Casto-Waters, Joe Evans, and Natalie Sarkowski Raygor. There is no cost to attend the conference, and hotel expenses will be covered for the first 20 participants who register.

Deadline: Certificate in Contemplative Spiritual Direction Application
Certificate in Contemplative Spiritual Direction Application
Applications Due: May 1, 2025
Course Description:
This application is for Cohort 2025 of the Certificate in Contemplative Spiritual Direction program, a two-year formation and training program for persons who discern a call to the ministry of spiritual direction. Applicants will be notified of the status of their application within two months of completing their submission.
To complete the application, you will need to submit the following.
One current reference, including name, phone number, and email address.
A PDF or Word document of your responses to the short essay questions, found below.
A non-refundable application fee of $75.
For any questions, please contact lifelonglearning@ctsnet.edu.

Clergy Day of Reflection: Care of Body, Care of Soul
In the midst of stress and noise of 21st-century life, where demands to ‘keep up’ are relentless, finding moments of peace and self-care becomes crucial, especially while we care for others. Whether you are juggling the responsibilities of caring for young children, elderly parents, or a partner with health challenges or working in demanding fields like ministry, therapy, or healthcare, we all understand the importance of rest and self-care.
At Ignatius House, our team extends a warm invitation for you to step away from the chaos and immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquility of our natural surroundings. With scenic walkable trails, a nourishing and delicious lunch, and a welcoming environment, our day retreat is designed for you to rest, pray, reflect, journal, and most importantly, experience the rejuvenating power of silence.
Join us in prioritizing your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Discover the art of self-care at Ignatius House – where the care of the body and soul converge for a holistic wellness experience.
Information/Registration: https://ignatiushouse.org/calendar/day-of-reflection-may2025/

Session Records Review
Session Records Review
Registration is now open for the annual review of session records. Here are the dates and registration links:
Thursday, May 8, 6:30pm at Fairview Presbyterian Church - register here
Saturday, June 7, 9:30am at Peachtree City First Presbyterian Church - register here
Thursday, July 10, 10:00am at the Presbytery Office - register here
Registration, forms, and additional information can be found on the Clerk’s Corner page: www.atlpcusa.org/clerks-corner

Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta holds quarterly Stated Meetings to conduct business and join in worship together.
For more information about Stated Meetings (including links to registration, submit absence requests, download the current Commissioner Handbook, etc.), click the button below.
Some items, such as the Commissioner Handbook, registration link, etc., will be made available a couple of weeks prior to each event.

40th Anniversary: Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church
40th Anniversary of Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church
Sunday, May 18 at 10 AM, Lunch at 11:30 AM
Join Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church for a homecoming worship and lunch on Sunday, May 18 beginning at 10AM to celebrate their 40th anniversary. RSVP to office@pleasanthillpc.org
Since 1985, Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church in Duluth has been inviting and equipping folks to “Connect Faith with Everyday Life” through warm and compassionate relationships with friends and neighbors, uplifting and inspiring worship, and a commitment to welcome and inclusivity. From our humble beginnings at Mall Corners Cinema to our current home at 3700 Pleasant Hill Road, we are grateful for our past, joyful in our present, and hopeful for our future.
Join us as we celebrate 40 years all year long!
January 20
Day of service honoring Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy and PHPC’s legacy of serving
January 26
Visit to original site of Mall Corners Cinema followed by Dinner at Melting Pot
May 3
World Labyrinth Day at 1pm
Gather at PHPC’s labyrinth to join in walking mindfully and praying for world peace.
May 17
Chastain@PHPC at 7pm
An outdoor choir concert featuring “Best of” Cabaret and Chastain concerts through the decades.
Bring a camp chair and a picnic dinner!
May 18
Homecoming Worship at 10am and Celebration Luncheon at 11:30am
RSVP to office@pleasanthillpc.org
September 12-14
All Church Retreat in Montreat, NC
October 25
Community Carnival and Trunk or Treat
Decorate a trunk, dress up, and bless our neighbors with candy and kindness.

Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising (ECRF)
Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising (ECRF)
May 19-21
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Atlanta
This is a premier training program in stewardship and faith-based fundraising.
Presbyterian College is proud to partner with the Lake Institute on Faith & Giving at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy (Indiana University) to offer the Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising (ECRF). The executive certificate program provides the research, tools, and customized training to meet the growing needs of leaders in religious communities and fundraisers of faith-based organizations. The focus of the ECRF is on the cultural, organizational, and philanthropic practices unique to religious institutions. These practices in turn enable donors motivated by spiritual and religious values to experience the joy of generous giving. The next course will be hosted at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, GA from May 19-21. PC(USA) leaders can receive a Church Financial Leadership Grant through the Presbyterian Foundation to assist in attending the ECRF.
Info/Registration: https://www.presby.edu/academics/graduate-professional/lake-institute/
Presbyterian Foundation Scholarship link: https://www.presbyterianfoundation.org/resources/church-financial-literacy-and-leadership-program/grant/

Presbyterian Homes Caring Hands Offering
For decades, the members of Georgia’s Presbyterian churches have expressed the love of Christ by participating in the annual Caring Hands Offering. This special offering supports the Caring Hands Fund and directly impacts residents and their families each day. Whether it’s providing financial assistance for medical care, transportation, food, or other needs as they arise — or standing by our commitment to continue caring for residents even if they outlive their resources — the Caring Hands Fund is a safety net that imparts priceless peace of mind.
Information/Give: https://www.PHGAinc.org/CaringHands (click DONATE)
Also, mark your calendars and consider signing up for the annual Caring Hands Classic golf tournament on September 29, 2025! https://www.phgainc.org/caring-hands-fund/annual-golf-tournament/

Session Records Review
Session Records Review
Registration is now open for the annual review of session records. Here are the dates and registration links:
Saturday, June 7, 9:30am at Peachtree City First Presbyterian Church - register here
Thursday, July 10, 10:00am at the Presbytery Office - register here
Registration, forms, and additional information can be found on the Clerk’s Corner page: www.atlpcusa.org/clerks-corner

Pentecost Offering
Pentecost Offering
April 21-June 8, 2025
Supporting at-risk children, youth and young adults.
40% is retained by congregations to support work with at-risk children, youth and young adults in their local community.
50% supports ministries with youth and young adults.
10% supports child advocacy/children at risk.
The Pentecost Offering is traditionally received on the day of Pentecost. However, your congregation is welcome to celebrate this Offering at any point in the year. In fact, many congregations receive it on a youth-related Sunday, like Sunday School Kickoff (or Rally) Day, Youth Sunday, or their Confirmation Sunday.
Information/Resources: https://pcusa.org/special-offerings/pentecost-offering

PAM Worship & Music Conference
PAM Worship & Music Conference: “Clothed In Love”
Join musicians and worship leaders for the most widely attended annual conference of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) denomination, June 15–20 and June 22–27, 2025, at the Montreat Conference Center in Montreat, North Carolina! Together, we will create music, learn, and worship. Your participation is an investment in the dynamic growth of our denomination as we explore the promising future together. Register now at presbymusic.org/conference.

PAM Worship & Music Conference
PAM Worship & Music Conference: “Clothed In Love”
Join musicians and worship leaders for the most widely attended annual conference of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) denomination, June 15–20 and June 22–27, 2025, at the Montreat Conference Center in Montreat, North Carolina! Together, we will create music, learn, and worship. Your participation is an investment in the dynamic growth of our denomination as we explore the promising future together. Register now at presbymusic.org/conference.

Session Records Review
Session Records Review
Registration is now open for the annual review of session records. Here are the dates and registration links:
Thursday, July 10, 10:00am at the Presbytery Office - register here
Registration, forms, and additional information can be found on the Clerk’s Corner page: www.atlpcusa.org/clerks-corner

Middle School Summer Experience
Monday, July 21 - Thursday, July 24
Presbyterian College is hosting a unique summer experience for middle school youth groups that combines service/mission projects with a conference-style community. Groups will engage in morning worship, impactful service, and meaningful faith formation opportunities. As part of our Ecology of Calling Initiative, this event is free to the first 50 participants who register (including youth and adults). Groups are responsible for their own transportation, but all lodging, meals, and conference events are provided.
Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd9WuOKMoPEe2aqmWJNtm1lH7EOpaoLF5R39oHQ67YHS5DTpg/viewform

Presbyterian Youth Triennium
Presbyterian Youth Triennium
July 28-31, 2025
Louisville, Kentucky
Theme: As if We Were Dreaming (Psalm 126)
The Office of Presbyterian Youth and Triennium is excited to announce the theme for the 2025 Triennium: “As If We Were Dreaming…” (Psalm 126). From July 28-31, 2025, thousands of Presbyterian youth will gather in Louisville, Kentucky for four transformative days of worship, recreation, group study, and fellowship. Participants will be reminded that they are born to dream, invited to share in collective dreaming, learn to confront their nightmares, and encouraged to wake up and dream as they carry these experiences home.
The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta is eager to bring a group!
• Cost: $550 per youth participant | $525 per adult participant
• Registration Opens: January 1, 2025
• Registration Deadline: March 16, 2025
Next Steps for Church Leaders:
1. Finalize your group.
2. Send a list of names and a $100 deposit per person (checks made payable to Presbytery of Greater Atlanta) to:
McDonough Presbyterian Church
Attn: Destiny Williams
427 McGarity Road
McDonough, GA 30252
3. Once finalized, share the registration link (below) with all participants to complete their details. (https://forms.gle/6K1R6tBbqzuhCfxW8)
Questions? Contact Destiny Williams, Director of Youth at McDonough Presbyterian Church:

Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta holds quarterly Stated Meetings to conduct business and join in worship together.
For more information about Stated Meetings (including links to registration, submit absence requests, download the current Commissioner Handbook, etc.), click the button below.
Some items, such as the Commissioner Handbook, registration link, etc., will be made available a couple of weeks prior to each event.

Clergy Day of Reflection: Care of Body, Care of Soul
In the midst of stress and noise of 21st-century life, where demands to ‘keep up’ are relentless, finding moments of peace and self-care becomes crucial, especially while we care for others. Whether you are juggling the responsibilities of caring for young children, elderly parents, or a partner with health challenges or working in demanding fields like ministry, therapy, or healthcare, we all understand the importance of rest and self-care.
At Ignatius House, our team extends a warm invitation for you to step away from the chaos and immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquility of our natural surroundings. With scenic walkable trails, a nourishing and delicious lunch, and a welcoming environment, our day retreat is designed for you to rest, pray, reflect, journal, and most importantly, experience the rejuvenating power of silence.
Join us in prioritizing your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Discover the art of self-care at Ignatius House – where the care of the body and soul converge for a holistic wellness experience.
Information/Registration: https://ignatiushouse.org/calendar/day-of-reflection-august2025/

19th Annual Caring Hands Classic Golf Tournament
Presbyterian Homes of Georgia’s
19th Annual Caring Hands Classic Golf Tournament
September 29, 2025 - 9:30 AM tee time
Atlanta Athletic Club
The annual Caring Hands Classic golf tournament provides significant financial support for the Caring Hands Fund. Played each year at the Atlanta Athletic Club, home club of the legendary Bobby Jones, the Classic provides corporate and business leaders the opportunity to come together for a day of fresh air, exercise, and camaraderie while playing a magnificent course and raising vital funds to assist residents of Presbyterian Homes communities who may be in need.
Each year, the Caring Hands Classic Golf Tournament draws more than 300 of the most distinguished business and community leaders from Atlanta and around the state of Georgia. For information about the 19th Annual Caring Hands Classic Golf Tournament coming up in 2025, or to inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please call 229.263.6194 or email Jerry Dean Weber or Robin Sumner.
Information: https://www.phgainc.org/caring-hands-fund/annual-golf-tournament/

Peace & Global Witness Offering
Peace & Global Witness
September 7-October 5, 2025
Support peacemaking, reconciliation and global witness.
A gift to the Peace & Global Witness Offering enables the church to promote the Peace of Christ by addressing systems of conflict and injustice across the world. Individual congregations are encouraged to utilize up to 25% of this Offering for peacemaking efforts that align with their passion. Mid-councils retain an additional 25% for ministries of peace and reconciliation. The remaining 50% is used by the Presbyterian Mission Agency to advocate for peace and justice in cultures of violence, including our own, through collaborative projects of education and Christian witness.
Information/Resources: https://pcusa.org/special-offerings/peace-global-witness-offering

Boundaries Training
The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta requires all ministers of the Word and Sacrament and commissioned ruling elders, including members at large, ministers serving in a validated ministry, and retired ministers serving a church in any Presbytery-approved relationship, to take the Presbytery’s Boundaries Training once every three years.
For more information about Boundaries Training and/or to register, click the button below.

Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta holds quarterly Stated Meetings to conduct business and join in worship together.
For more information about Stated Meetings (including links to registration, submit absence requests, download the current Commissioner Handbook, etc.), click the button below.
Some items, such as the Commissioner Handbook, registration link, etc., will be made available a couple of weeks prior to each event.

Clergy Day of Reflection: Care of Body, Care of Soul
In the midst of stress and noise of 21st-century life, where demands to ‘keep up’ are relentless, finding moments of peace and self-care becomes crucial, especially while we care for others. Whether you are juggling the responsibilities of caring for young children, elderly parents, or a partner with health challenges or working in demanding fields like ministry, therapy, or healthcare, we all understand the importance of rest and self-care.
At Ignatius House, our team extends a warm invitation for you to step away from the chaos and immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquility of our natural surroundings. With scenic walkable trails, a nourishing and delicious lunch, and a welcoming environment, our day retreat is designed for you to rest, pray, reflect, journal, and most importantly, experience the rejuvenating power of silence.
Join us in prioritizing your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Discover the art of self-care at Ignatius House – where the care of the body and soul converge for a holistic wellness experience.
Information/Registration: https://ignatiushouse.org/calendar/day-of-reflection-nov2025/

Retiree Christmas Luncheon
Retiree Christmas Luncheon
Tuesday, December 2, 2025 at 12 PM
All retired Pastors, Christian Educators, and Validated Ministers will receive an invitation with more details and registration within the first week in November.
Presbyterian Village - Village Center
2000 E West Connector
Austell, GA 30106
When you arrive at Presbyterian Village, follow signs saying “Event” to the location of the lunch.
Bus transportation will be provided by Presbyterian Village from Trinity PC in Atlanta.
If you prefer to ride the bus from Trinity PC Atlanta, please designate when you register.
“Presbyterian Village” Bus
Trinity Presbyterian Church
3003 Howell Mill Road
Atlanta, Ga
Meet the parking lot in front of the sanctuary
Leave the Trinity parking lot at 11 am
Return from Presbyterian Village leaving around 1:45 pm
Registration Deadline: Coming Soon!

Christmas Joy Offering
Christmas Joy
Dec. 1-21, 2025
Supporting our leaders past, present, and future.
The Christmas Joy Offering has been a cherished Presbyterian tradition since the 1930s. The Offering distributes gifts equally to the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions and to Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color.
Information/Resources: https://pcusa.org/special-offerings/christmas-joy-offering

Ordination of Dana AbuGhazaleh
Ordination of Dana AbuGhazaleh
Sunday, March 23, 2025 at 5 PM
Alpharetta Presbyterian Church
Join us as we celebrate the Ordination of Dana AbuGhazaleh at Alpharetta Presbyterian Church. The service will take place at Alpharetta Presbyterian Church on Sunday, March 23, 2025 at 5 PM (ET).
An offering is to be received to benefit the scholarship fund for those preparing for ministry of the Word and Sacrament under care of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta.
This service will be available via livestream at https://youtube.com/live/Urki87qoo_I?feature=share

Session Records Review
Session Records Review
Registration is now open for the annual review of session records. Here are the dates and registration links:
Saturday, March 22, 9:30am at Morrow Presbyterian Church - register here
Tuesday, April 8, 6:30pm at Peachtree Presbyterian Church - register here
Thursday, May 8, 6:30pm at Fairview Presbyterian Church - register here
Saturday, June 7, 9:30am at Peachtree City First Presbyterian Church - register here
Thursday, July 10, 10:00am at the Presbytery Office - register here
Registration, forms, and additional information can be found on the Clerk’s Corner page: www.atlpcusa.org/clerks-corner

UKirk Atlanta Prom Fundraiser
UKirk Atlanta’s Prom Fundraiser
Back to the 80s & 90s!
Class is in session, and UKirk Atlanta is welcoming students back to the Emory and Agnes Scott campuses! Between dorm life and schoolwork, there’s a lot we do to care for these young adults. In that effort, UKirk Atlanta is hosting a party and fundraiser to help continue our ministry, and you’re invited to join the celebration!
On March 21, we’re hosting a 80’s and 90’s “Senior Prom!” Get out your Day-Glo t-shirts, neon colors, gold bangles, over-sized jeans, and anything plaid! We’re going to raise the roof like it’s 1994 (or 1984 — or like it’s a General Assembly dance break)! We will give out awards for best 80s and 90s attire!
When: March 21, 2025 - 7 PM
Where: Columbia Seminary
Ticket Pricing:
• Early Bird- $30.00/person or $300/table near the band
• After February 15- $45.00/person or $350/table near the dance floor
• Day of March 21: $55.00/person
• You can buy your tickets using the Google Form here: https://forms.gle/8xZdLPqUxe13LMGq6
Questions or want to volunteer? Contact:
Drew Wilmesherr; drew@ukirkatlanta.com
Destiny Williams; destiny@mcdonoughpresbtyerian.com

Mr. Rogers Day
On March 20, the PC(USA) celebrates Mr. Rogers Day as one of our special emphasis days with resources for congregational worship, education, mission, and fellowship. Make plans now for when your congregation will take extra time to be neighborly just as Presbyterian Pastor Fred Rogers did on and off screen. Here is a complete list of resources.

Spring Revival
Trinity Presbyterian Church 2025 Spring Revival
The Year of Better: Renewed, Restored, Revived
“The latter glorify of this house shall be greater than the former, says the Lord of hosts. And in this place, I will give peace, declares the Lord of hosts.” Haggai 2:9
March 18-19, 2025
1886 N. Decatur Rd, Atlanta, GA 30307
Special Guest Revivalist: Rev. Dr. Mark Lomax

Postponed - Town Hall: Rooted Good
This event is postponed. Stay tuned for updated on rescheduling.
Town Hall: Rooted Good
The Good Futures Accelerator Course
March 17, 2025, 4pm via Zoom
This is a course for clergy, lay leaders, and anyone who cares about the future of the church.
We invite you to join us for an informational session with Rooted Good to learn and talk about the Good Futures Accelerator. Rooted Good was founded by Mark Elsdon, author of Gone for Good? and We Aren’t Broke. The Good Futures Accelerator is a seven-session program to help churches consider new and more faithful ways to utilize their property for ministry, mission, and social entrepreneurship. We will be led by Rooted Good staff member Angela Johnson. Please come with curious minds, open hearts, and plenty of questions.
Click here for information on the Good Futures Accelerator.

P4BG Lobby Day
Meet your senator and representative during an in-person advocacy event at Georgia's state capitol: March 11th @ 8am
PBG's legislative focus in 2025 include:
passing a safe gun storage to protect kids
banning the death penalty for people with intellectual disabilities
growing access to mental & physical healthcare
ending homelessness & increasing affordable housing across Georgia
Over coffee and pastries at Central Presbyterian Church, we will gather in groups organized by our districts to plan how to effectively approach our elected officials in person and advocate for legislation with the most up-to-date information provided by our legislative advocate, Elizabeth Appley.
Invite your friends and members of your faith community to join us! (A raffle for door prizes for first-time attendees and the people who brought them!)
Join us at Lobby Day at the Capitol, March 11th (8:00AM-Noon).
Information/Registration: https://www.p4bg.org/events
Validated parking in the lot near Trinity Methodist Church. Bring to Central Pres for Validation.

ACFB Hunger Walk/Run 5k
Since 1984, the Hunger Walk/Run has been an annual 5K/“fun run” of The Atlanta Community Food Bank and its partners. Proceeds benefit the ACFB and other local nonprofits, programs, and ministries focused on hunger relief. These benefiting partner organizations help recruit participants and receive a percentage of the funds raised to support their direct hunger relief programs.
As a benefiting partner, the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta keeps 60% of the funds we raise as a presbytery, which supports our Diaconal Grants program. All Presbytery of Greater Atlanta churches are eligible to apply for a Diaconal Grant to support hunger initiatives within their congregation. The remaining 40% that we raise goes to the Atlanta Community Food Bank where - among many other outstanding results - they leverage every $1 into $9 worth of groceries for hunger relief (enough for 4 meals!).
How it Works:
1. Register as part of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta (link below). If you do not register as part of the presbytery, funds raised do not contribute to the presbytery’s grant fund.
2. Start a Team, Join a Team, Reactivate a Team, Register as an Individual, and/or Donate toward a team/individual’s goal. Your team may be called the “{Church Name} Team” or you can get creative! Churches may have multiple teams. Have fun!
3. If you register as a team, your Team Captain will need to register first to Start/Reactivate the Team. Then, additional team members may Join the Team.
4. Leading up to the Walk/Run, invite people to donate toward your team or individual goal.
5. Return to the link below to track team/individual progress and monitor the presbytery’s collective fundraising toward hunger relief.
Register, Donate, Track, etc: https://engage.acfb.org/site/TR?fr_id=2167&pg=entry

Gifts of Women 2025
Celebrate the Gifts of Women 2025
from PresbyterianWomen.org
Each year Celebrate the Gifts of Women Sunday offers a time to reflect on and rejoice in the ways women enrich the life of the church.
In 2025, Celebrate the Gifts of Women Sunday falls on March 9, but can be celebrated on any date that you choose. Rev. Laurie Kraus focuses her meditation and liturgy on the range of talents and roles of women in the church, drawing from Acts 9.
This resource is created through the partnership between Presbyterian Women and Racial Equity and Women’s Intercultural Ministries.

Advocacy Training Days
A Call to Justice
Advocacy Training Days
Hosted by Columbia Theological Seminary and partners
We will be lead by the PC(USA) Office of Public Witness and have an opportunity to worship, learn, and actively engage in Advocacy work around many issues facing our nation and the world today.
March 5-7
Columbia Theological Seminary
Info/Registration: https://www.ctsnet.edu/call-to-justice/

Clergy Day of Reflection: Ash Wednesday
In the midst of stress and noise of 21st-century life, where demands to ‘keep up’ are relentless, finding moments of peace and self-care becomes crucial, especially while we care for others. Whether you are juggling the responsibilities of caring for young children, elderly parents, or a partner with health challenges or working in demanding fields like ministry, therapy, or healthcare, we all understand the importance of rest and self-care.
At Ignatius House, our team extends a warm invitation for you to step away from the chaos and immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquility of our natural surroundings. With scenic walkable trails, a nourishing and delicious lunch, and a welcoming environment, our day retreat is designed for you to rest, pray, reflect, journal, and most importantly, experience the rejuvenating power of silence.
Join us in prioritizing your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Discover the art of self-care at Ignatius House – where the care of the body and soul converge for a holistic wellness experience.
Information/Registration: https://ignatiushouse.org/calendar/ash-wednesday-day-of-reflection-mar2025/

Small Church Community Circle
Small Church Community Circle
Join Christian Formation Leaders on Feb. 25th at 3:00pm EST for a time of sharing resources and ministry areas with those who serve in the variety of contexts with small numbers. For small church (less than 100) educators, volunteers, pastors, commissioned pastors (CRE, CLP), and mid-council leaders that support faith formation leaders in small churches.

Boundaries Training
The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta requires all ministers of the Word and Sacrament and commissioned ruling elders, including members at large, ministers serving in a validated ministry, and retired ministers serving a church in any Presbytery-approved relationship, to take the Presbytery’s Boundaries Training once every three years.
For more information about Boundaries Training and/or to register, click the button below.

POAMN Webinar: Developing a Dementia Friendly Worship Service for Your Community
Nurturing the spiritual health of someone with dementia is an act of Christian love that preserves their dignity and affirms their personhood. As churches, we have a unique opportunity – indeed, a calling – to respond to this need by finding ways to make worship accessible to people experiencing cognitive change. In this workshop, you will learn how to create a modified worship service, either in-person or pre-recorded, for your faith community, and view an example that was developed at Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church.
February 24, 2025
2 p.m. ET / 11 a.m. PT
Rev. Ben Lindstrom, Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church
Elaine Burrell, MSW, CSA, Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church

Clergy Day of Reflection: Care of Body, Care of Soul
In the midst of stress and noise of 21st-century life, where demands to ‘keep up’ are relentless, finding moments of peace and self-care becomes crucial, especially while we care for others. Whether you are juggling the responsibilities of caring for young children, elderly parents, or a partner with health challenges or working in demanding fields like ministry, therapy, or healthcare, we all understand the importance of rest and self-care.
At Ignatius House, our team extends a warm invitation for you to step away from the chaos and immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquility of our natural surroundings. With scenic walkable trails, a nourishing and delicious lunch, and a welcoming environment, our day retreat is designed for you to rest, pray, reflect, journal, and most importantly, experience the rejuvenating power of silence.
Join us in prioritizing your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Discover the art of self-care at Ignatius House – where the care of the body and soul converge for a holistic wellness experience.
Information/Registration: https://ignatiushouse.org/calendar/day-of-reflection-feb2025/

Black History Month Music Series at NAPC
Celebrate Black History Month with the North Avenue Presbyterian Church Concert Series!
Join us on Sunday afternoons in February for an unforgettable journey through the rich and inspiring legacy of Black music. From the soulful melodies of Jazz to the powerful harmonies of Gospel and spirituals, this series showcases the incredible artistry and heritage of Black music.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd at 4 p.m.
Admission is free, and all are welcome. Be inspired by the music that moves the soul and tells a story of resilience, joy, and faith.

GIPL - 2025 Green Team Summit
Georgia Interfaith Power & Light (GIPL) cordially invites you to join us for our annual Green Team Summit on Sunday, February 23, 2025, from 2-8 p.m. at Northside United Methodist Church in Atlanta.
Green Team Summits are opportunities for Green Teams, faith leaders, and environmental activists from across Georgia to gather for a time of fellowship and shared learning. This year's theme is “Seeding Life.” This summit aims to cultivate a shared vision for a flourishing world rooted in hope and joy. Participants will learn more about GIPL’s new ReWilding program for sustainable land use, as well as other practical climate solutions, and policy initiatives that will seed new life in their congregations and communities.
This year's keynote speaker (to be announced soon) will inspire faith communities to live out a faith that is grounded in active hope, embraces resilient change, and sows the seeds for a healthier, more vibrant world. The summit will also offer a series of workshops that will help equip congregations to build Green Teams, combat climate change through practical climate solutions, and engage in climate advocacy at the local, state, and federal levels.

Who Do They Say I Am?
We invite you to join Urban Missiology for a Black History Month Special!
Saturday, February 22, 2025 - 11:00 AM ET/USA
“Who Do They Say I Am? The Legacy of Identity for Africans in the Diaspora and its Influence on a Call to Ministry in The African American Community”
This dynamic presentation by the Rev. Dr. Wanda M. Lundy of Union Theological Seminary, New York, dives into how identity shapes and calls individuals to a life of service and leadership. This reflects how cultural influences weave into the spiritual and community life fabric, impacting how ministry is approached and envisioned.
Could you make plans now to join us and invite others to join us? Many thanks for considering my request.
Meeting ID: 880 2293 7734
Passcode: 737807

Savannah Presbytery - Faith Enrichment Conference
Faith Enrichment Conference
Presented by the 2025 Faith Enrichment Committee of the Savannah Presbytery
Theme: Thrive
Revitalize • Energize • Spiritualize
February 21-22, 2025
Epworth by the Sea
Information and Registration: https://myemail.constantcontact.com/THRIVE--Faith-Enrichment-Conference.html?soid=1102219015525&aid=eIv03bYcIEc

Around the Table Community Circle
Join on February 19th at 1:00pm EST to learn more about the Around the Table Cohorts for leaders wanting to think about faith formation at home in their contexts. Also learn updates about Around the Table Resources. Click here for more information.

Black History Month Music Series at NAPC
Celebrate Black History Month with the North Avenue Presbyterian Church Concert Series!
Join us on Sunday afternoons in February for an unforgettable journey through the rich and inspiring legacy of Black music. From the soulful melodies of Jazz to the powerful harmonies of Gospel and spirituals, this series showcases the incredible artistry and heritage of Black music.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16th at 4 p.m.
Renowned Vocalist T, RENEE CRUTCHER
T. Renée Crutcher has spent more than 40 years as an accomplished performing artist recording and appearing around the globe in Broadway tour productions, concerts, television, film and commercials; critically reviewed in the New York Times. She has worked with such luminaries as; Harry Belafonte, Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Leonard Bernstein, Robert Shaw, Hugh Masekela, Leta Mbulu,Soul II Soul, Barry White, Joe Cocker, Roy Ayers, Lou Rawls, and others.
Admission is free, and all are welcome. Be inspired by the music that moves the soul and tells a story of resilience, joy, and faith.

Installation of Bruce McRae
Installation of Bruce McRae
Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 2 PM
Monroe First Presbyterian Church
Join us as we celebrate the Installation of Rev. Dr. Bruce McRae as Pastor at Monroe First Presbyterian Church. The service will take place at Monroe First Presbyterian Church on Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 2 PM (ET).
An offering is to be received to benefit the Emergency Fund for Pastors.

Watching, Wailing, & Working: An Evening of Prayer in solidarity with our Immigrant Siblings
Watching, Wailing, & Working: An Evening of Prayer in Solidarity with our Immigrant Siblings
Date & Time: Feb 12, 2025, 07:00 PM on Zoom
This event is a time of prayer, sharing, support, lament, and hope. It is a time of watching, wailing, and working. You are welcome and encouraged to be there – for yourself and to support others in our midst.
In an effort to keep this a safe space, the Zoom link requires registration. You will need to provide your name and email address, which will be kept confidential. The Presbytery will then email you (and each person who registers) a Zoom link for your use on Wednesday, February 12, 7-8 pm.
Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/ihYyRf5ZQsq4GV3XY5Dgqw#/registration

Advocacy Training
Come learn about issues central to this year's legislative session during an online training event: February 11th @ 7pm
PBG's legislative focus in 2025 include:
Passing a safe gun storage to protect kids
Banning the death penalty for people with intellectual disabilities
Growing access to mental and physical healthcare for all
Ending homelessness and increasing affordable housing across Georgia
Hear the latest updates from our legislative advocate, Elizabeth Appley.
Invite your friends and members of your faith community to join us!

Deadline: Annual Church Statistical Reports
Church Statistics Due February 11
by C. Anderson James, Stated Clerk
Clerks of session and others who play a part in creating and submitting the Session Annual Statistical Report are reminded that the report is due on February 11, 2025. Learn more and log in here. Login information was distributed by mail to each congregation in December. If you are unable to locate your church’s login information, contact Stated Clerk Andy James at cajames@atlpcusa.org. As of January 27, 33 congregations have submitted at least some portion of their report. Please help us get to 100% participation!
This report is required of all PCUSA congregations each year and helps us all to learn more about who we are as Presbyterians so that we can support one another more effectively along the way. All data submitted should reflect membership and financial data as of December 31, 2024. Membership numbers reported now will be reflected in per capita assessments for 2026.
To learn more about the information required to submit these reports, download the guide to the Session Annual Statistical Report. If you have other questions or encounter issues getting access, contact Stated Clerk Andy James at cajames@atlpcusa.org.

Know Your Rights Workshop
Know Your Rights Workshop
Monday, February 10 at 10 AM
Columbia Presbyterian Church
711 South Columbia Drive
Decatur, Georgia 30030
Please RSVP at columbiapresbyterian@gmail.com

2 Music Events at DHPC: Organist Improvisation Masterclass & Hymn Festival
Organist Improvisation Masterclass & Hymn Festival
Presented by Druid Hills Presbyterian Church
Saturday, Feb 8, 2025
Druid Hills Presbyterian Church
Two Events:
10:30 AM - Organist Improvisation Masterclass with Clinician Michael Burkhardt
7:00 PM - Hymn Festival
Open to the public
No admission charge

Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta holds quarterly Stated Meetings to conduct business and join in worship together.
For more information about Stated Meetings (including links to registration, submit absence requests, download the current Commissioner Handbook, etc.), click the button below.
Some items, such as the Commissioner Handbook, registration link, etc., will be made available a couple of weeks prior to each event.

Book Talk with Dr. William Yoo
Book Talk with Dr. William Yoo
Presented by North Decatur Presbyterian Church
Thursday, February 6 at 7 PM
North Decatur Presbyterian Church
Available in-person and live-streamed at https://ndpc.org/
Reckoning with History confronts the histories of settler colonialism and slavery and illumines how these two devastating realities informed and ultimately deformed Protestant Christianity in the North American colonies and antebellum United States. In this book, William Yoo analyzes primary sources from Indigenous peoples, enslaved and free persons of African descent, Indigenous rights advocates, and abolitionists. The book's broad scope--which covers individuals and movements representing Baptists, Congregationalists, Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterians, and other Christian traditions--provides a timely and telling message for every Christian seeking racial justice today.
William Yoo is Associate Professor of American Religious and Cultural History at Columbia Theological Seminary. He has published books on African American Christianity, Asian American Christianity, and Presbyterian history. As a teacher, preacher, and scholar, Yoo focuses on the history of racism in American Christianity.
Talk and Book Launch for Reckoning with History: Settler Colonialism, Slavery, and the Making of American Christianity

Black History Month Music Series at NAPC
Celebrate Black History Month with the North Avenue Presbyterian Church Concert Series!
Join us on Sunday afternoons in February for an unforgettable journey through the rich and inspiring legacy of Black music. From the soulful melodies of Jazz to the powerful harmonies of Gospel and spirituals, this series showcases the incredible artistry and heritage of Black music.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd at 5 p.m.
Jazz Saxophonist TAJ DAVIS
Saxophonist, arranger, and composer, Taj Davis is making a name for himself on the music scene. A native of Long Island, New York, Taj was inspired and encouraged to study music by his high school teachers, and friends. Taj received his Bachelors of Science in Music Education from Oakwood University. While studying there, Taj has played with the UAH Jazz Ensemble, Oakwood University Church, The Aeolians, and Madison Mission SDA church. Taj Davis right away pursued his education at Florida State University graduating summer 2012 with a Masters in Music Performance concentrating in Jazz Studies. Taj Davis is currently based in Atlanta, Georgia, performing with the Perfect 10 Band.
Admission is free, and all are welcome. Be inspired by the music that moves the soul and tells a story of resilience, joy, and faith.