Grants and Funding

Beyond the Building Grants

  • This year the Presbytery is focusing on the gift of what it means to be the church beyond the walls of our local buildings. As part of this focus, the Presbytery and Peachtree Presbyterian Church are partnering to award grants to congregations and new worshiping communities to support changes to their property, personnel, or programming that will encourage them in making disciples and caring for those in need.

  • Congregations and new worshiping communities within the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta who can demonstrate need and share the story of how the funds can help them to think outside the box and connect to others. Applications must be approved by the session of the congregation or leadership team of the new worshiping community.

  • We have set aside $50,000 in partnership funds in order to award grants ranging in size from $2,500 to $10,000.

  • Within six months of the receipt of funds, each recipient will be asked to share a story with the wider presbytery on ways the funds opened pathways for your congregation or new worshiping community to think beyond the building. Be creative! We encourage story telling through testimony, videos, worship experiences, photography, and the arts. Our Fall Stated Meeting in November 2025 will include time for celebrating the work of our Beyond the Building Grant recipients as we begin sharing the stories from this partnership in this and other presbytery communication spaces.

  • Applications will open March 17, 2025, and will close on April 17, 2025. The review team will consider these applications together, with any additional funds made available to applications received after the deadline.

    Awardees will be named at the Spring Stated Meeting of the Presbytery on May 13. Please submit applications to

Congregational Ministry Grants

Due to the generosity and stewardship of those who came before us, the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta (PGA) operates two grant programs focused on congregational ministry.  Together, they embody the PGA’s affirmation of faith in the future of our churches and the communities they serve.  Grant programs are not meant to “pay for tomorrow.”  Rather, they are designed to provide supplemental resources that bolster the ability of churches to respond faithfully and creatively to today’s needs and prepare for those of tomorrow.  

Grant programs are limited to member churches and approved fellowships of the PGA (referenced collectively below as “churches”).  While PGA applicants conducting ministry in partnership are encouraged to apply, worshipping communities of other denominations or faith traditions and community agencies are not eligible on their own.

Programs include Diaconal Ministry Grants and Youth & Young Adult Ministry Grants.

I. Diaconal Ministry Grants.  Diaconal service, as Jesus envisioned it, could take many forms.  In Matthew 25, he specifically mentions providing food and drink for the hungry and thirsty, hospitality for the stranger, clothing for the naked, care for the sick, and visitation for the prisoner. The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10.29-37) provides a powerful narrative image of “diakonia” as it depicts sacrificial service on behalf of one’s neighbor through the binding of wounds and the provision of shelter and food necessary for healing and life.  In light of the cluster of activities identified by Jesus as diakonia, this type of service can be characterized generally as rendering aid in response to human need and supporting the improvement of quality of life as much as that is possible.  In our contemporary understanding, this includes facilitating individuals’ ability to help themselves and addressing systemic injustices that function as barriers to more equitable and just communities.

1. Priorities

  • Innovative projects in which applicants address human need in the communities they serve including systems and policy change. [Grant funding made possible by PGA’s Compassion Endowment, established in the 1980’s.]

  • Innovative projects specifically designed to address hunger, food insecurity, and systems and policies which perpetuate them. [Grant funding made possible by PGA’s on-going commitment to the Presbyterian Answer to Hunger (PATH)].

2. Guidelines

  • Deadline for receiving application is midnight on Sunday, September 22, 2024.

  • Maximum request is $5,000.

  • Applicant must invest in the project an amount equal to or larger than the request.

  • Diaconal grants imply service to individuals and communities beyond PGA congregations; those within can be served as well to the extent that their needs reflect those of the community at large.

  • Funds may be used for administrative expenses, salaries, or stipends.

  • Funds may be used for equipment or facility issues as needed for the conduct of diaconal ministries.

  • Projects can receive funding two years in a row.

  • One year waiting period is required after a 2nd year renewal.

  • An impact report must be submitted before seeking a 2nd year renewal.

II. Youth and Young Adult Ministry Grants.  The future of the church rests with youth and young adults.  The PGA seeks to encourage and facilitate the ability of its churches to pursue creative, life-changing ministries with young people.  From evangelism and discipleship to pastoral care to leadership development and diaconal service, effective ministry with young people can take many forms, but all require intention, creativity, and dedication over time in the context of authentic relationships and a community of faith. This grant program is made possible by the PGA Capital Funds Campaign.

1. Priorities

  • Innovative approaches to individual and collaborative ministries on behalf of young people (age 12 or grade 6 to age 40) that are grounded in the gospel and the Great Ends of the Church;

  • Projects and programs that reflect active engagement by and leadership of the young people being served;

  • Projects and programs that are inclusive, developmentally age-appropriate, culturally competent, and reflect a clear understanding of intent, methods, and desired outcomes.

2. Guidelines

  • Deadline for receiving application is 12AM on Monday, April 22, 2024.

  • Maximum request is $5,000.

  • Applicant must invest in the project an amount equal to or larger than the request.

  • Funds may be used for project or program administrative expenses including salaries, stipends, or speaker fees.

  • Funds may not be used for building expenses, rent, or other fees related to property.

  • Projects can receive funding two years in a row.

  • One year waiting period is required after a 2nd year renewal.

  • An impact report must be submitted before seeking a 2nd year renewal.

Other Grant Opportunities

The Grants Committee of Council also offers two additional funding opportunities for congregations within the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta.

The Seminarian Stipend Award is designed for Presbyterian individuals who are currently enrolled in seminary and are actively serving a ministry program with children or youth in a PGA congregation.  This is a $2,000 stipend and may be awarded a second year by reapplication.

The Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Program is seeking applications for this year’s rewards. The Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Programs at Christian Theological Seminary provide funds to congregations to support renewal leaves for their pastors. Congregations may apply for grants of to $50,000 to underwrite a renewal program for their pastor and for the pastor’s family, with up to $15,000 of those funds available to the congregation to help cover costs for ministerial supply while the pastor is away. There is no cost to the congregations or the pastors to apply; the grants represent the Endowment’s continued investment in renewing the health and vitality of American Christian congregations. Interested parties can find more information at