Partners of the Presbytery

Definitions of Partnerships, Affiliated Organizations, and Connections

Presbytery Partnership - individuals and/or congregations working together to achieve a common mission within the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta.

Affiliated Organization - an organization not under the authority of PGA, but endorsed by PGA to work with its member congregations.

Connections - ministry/organizations which have a denominational or community affiliation with the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta.

Current Partnerships/Affiliated Organizations

Disclaimer: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in a Partnership or an Affiliate Organization belong solely to the Partnership or Affiliate Organization and do not necessarily represent the views of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta.

Role of Presbytery

  • Review, approve, and renew all Partnerships/Affiliated Organizations upon submission of an annual report.

  • Publicize events through PGA website and other relevant communication channels.

  • Ensure the availability of a display table at a Stated Meeting at least once per year.

  • Congregational Consultants will provide information about Partnerships/Affiliated organizations with other congregations as appropriate.

  • Distribute Partnership Newsletter where all Partnerships and Affiliated Organizations will share information/activities on a bi-monthly basis.

  • Highlight Partnerships at a Stated Meeting so that all members will be aware of Partnerships and their mission.

  • Arrange for Partnerships/Affiliated organization representatives to meet together once a year.

  • An At-Large Council representative will be assigned each year as a liaison with Partnerships. Partnerships will be informed of the name/contact information of this liaison. See Persons of Contact listed below.

Role of Partnerships/Affiliated Organizations

  • Complete initial application. Download here.

  • Provide an annual report which includes current contact information.

  • Provide information for bi-monthly newsletter to designated Partnership contact.

  • Contact liaison to arrange for presentations/displays at Presbytery meetings.

  • Plan events ahead. If you would like the Presbytery to help promote events through our website, newsletter, or Presbytery Handbook, please provide the detailed information at least two months prior. Before scheduling your events, we would like to suggest you to first check our master calendar (click here) to avoid conflicts.

Role of Liaison

  • Receive Partnership/Affiliated Organization applications and make them available to PGA Council.

  • Send reminders to current Partnership/Affiliated Organizations regarding submission of annual reports in the fall of each year.

  • Receive publicity requests for Council review prior to submission to PGA staff for posting.

  • Coordinate with PGA Worship Committee to ensure each Partnership/Affiliated Organization has access to a display table at a Stated Meeting at least once per year.