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Book Talk with Dr. William Yoo

Book Talk with Dr. William Yoo
Presented by North Decatur Presbyterian Church

Thursday, February 6 at 7 PM
North Decatur Presbyterian Church
Available in-person and live-streamed at

Reckoning with History confronts the histories of settler colonialism and slavery and illumines how these two devastating realities informed and ultimately deformed Protestant Christianity in the North American colonies and antebellum United States. In this book, William Yoo analyzes primary sources from Indigenous peoples, enslaved and free persons of African descent, Indigenous rights advocates, and abolitionists. The book's broad scope--which covers individuals and movements representing Baptists, Congregationalists, Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterians, and other Christian traditions--provides a timely and telling message for every Christian seeking racial justice today.

William Yoo is Associate Professor of American Religious and Cultural History at Columbia Theological Seminary. He has published books on African American Christianity, Asian American Christianity, and Presbyterian history. As a teacher, preacher, and scholar, Yoo focuses on the history of racism in American Christianity.

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