Retiree Christmas Luncheon
Monday, December 4, 2023 at 12 PM
All retired Pastors, Christian Educators, and Validated Ministers will receive an invitation with more details and registration within the first week in November.
Registration is extended to close on November 26th at 11:55pm.
Presbyterian Village
2000 E West Connector
Austell, GA 30106
When you arrive at Presbyterian Village, follow signs saying “Event” to the location of the lunch.
Bus transportation will be provided by Presbyterian Village from Trinity PC in Atlanta.
If you prefer to ride the bus from Trinity PC Atlanta, please designate when you register.
“Presbyterian Village” Bus
Trinity Presbyterian Church
3003 Howell Mill Road
Atlanta, Ga
Meet the parking lot in front of the sanctuary
Leave the Trinity parking lot at 11 am
Return from Presbyterian Village leaving around 1:45 pm