Presbytery Fall Middle School Retreat
November 4-6, 2022
Calvin Center (13550 Woolsey Rd, Hampton, GA 30228)
For youth currently in 6th through 8th grade
Registration is OPEN for the Presbytery Fall Middle School Retreat!
Each church needs to fill out the group registration form best estimating numbers by October 2. Workshop sign-ups will be sent out 2 weeks before the retreat.
The cost is $125. Churches can collect the payments and send a check with "Middle School Retreat" in the memo line to the care of Tully Fletcher at Decatur Presbyterian Church. Payment is due before or upon arrival at the retreat.
The theme will be "When Did We See You?" drawing on the 2022 Matthew 25 Triennium theme and resources.
Here's a preview of what the schedule will look like for the weekend:
7-8pm Check-in between
8-Welcome and Worship
9:30-Back Home Group
9-12 Big Group Time, Connection Groups1
2 Lunch
12:45-3:30 Connection Groups, Big group Games,
4:30-Free Time (Canoes, Archery, Crafts, Games)
6:15-10:00-Big Group Time, Worship, Evening Activity, Bonfire
9-Worship with Communion