The Struggle Is Real! How the Church Can Understand Ways to Listen, Engage, and Form Relationships with Communities to Eradicate Poverty
Presented by the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People (SDOP)
You are invited to sign up to hear from SDOP community partner New Mexico Women’s Global Pathways and other community and church leaders for a discussion on how the church can understand ways to listen, engage and form relationships with communities.
Date: Friday, October 29
Time: 4 PM – 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time
This is a 1.5-hour virtual discussion. The event is for congregations, mid councils, local community partners, volunteers, organizations, and anyone interested in the work of creating equity and/or advocating for social justice issues.
Our purpose is to create an awareness around the intersectionality of immigrant justice, poverty eradication and varied economic and social justice issues. We also want to provide perspectives through a national and local lens and explore possible ways to help guide our work in eradicating poverty and how to listen, engage and form relationships with communities.