Job Opportunities

Ads posted on this page are from congregations or ministries within or affiliated with the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta. If you are interested in posting an ad for your congregation or ministry constituency on this page, please send an email to Please follow a similar format as the ads listed below, and include a salary range for the benefit of applicants. Ads will be removed after 3 months unless otherwise requested.


  • Crossroads Presbyterian Church in Stone Mountain, Georgia is seeking a full-time pastor to lead a vibrant, multi-cultural body of believers. The pastor preaches and leads worship, administers the sacraments, provides pastoral care and counseling, oversees church staff, supports ministries of the church, moderates the board of elders, and generally participates in the life of the church. Click here to view the full ad.

  • Buford Presbyterian Church is seeking an Associate Pastor for Congregational Care. The associate pastor will provide pastoral leadership weekly in worship service, including preaching in person (every four to six weeks), administration of the Sacraments, conduct marriages and funerals as needed; provide overall pastoral care and counseling services to church members and friends of the church; and lead a weekly Bible study class during the school year. Click here to view the full ad.

Ministry Leadership

  • Buford Presbyterian Church is seeking a Director of Youth and Christian Ministries. The ideal person will work with us part-time, typically 20 hours/week, depending on the church year/calendar. This will be a hybrid position working from home as well as on-site during events.  The Director of Youth and Christian Education Ministries will report to the Pastor/head of staff and Church Session - Christian Education Committee. Click here to view the full job description.


  • Hillside Presbyterian Church is seeking a part-time Music Director. The role of the Music Director is to work in consultation with the Pastor and Worship Ministry to select and present music that is worthy as an offering to God and an inspiration to the congregation and provides engaging, creative, and energetic leadership to enhance the ministry of music within the congregation. Major responsibilities include playing for the Chancel Choir, coordinating music with the worship theme and liturgy, including classical, traditional, contemporary, praise/worship, etc.; overseeing a variety of styles of musical expression promote the music ministry and encourage members and friends of the congregation to participate; and engage in administrative duties that support the music ministry. If you are interested in this role, please Click here to view full job description.


  • Memorial Drive Ministries is seeking a Director of Advancement who will engage external supporters of MDM, grow MDM’s base of relational and material support, and generate increased donated income for MDM. Full Job Description