February 11, 2023 Stated Meeting

The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta gathered for its February Stated Meeting on Saturday, February 11, 2023, at Covington First Presbyterian Church. Despite a rainy day outside, 246 people enjoyed the warm hospitality of the Covington First congregation as we gathered for worship and work.

The theme of the meeting, “Spirit Inspired Worship,” lifted up the fifth mark in our two-year exploration of the Seven Marks of Vital Congregations. Presbyters experienced a variety of expressions of worship in the gifts of dancers from New Life Presbyterian Church, puppeteers and musicians from Covington First Presbyterian Church, and art by minister member Lauren Wright Pittman. Executive Presbyter Aisha Brooks-Johnson offered a sermon based on Revelation 4 entitled “Wading in the Waters of Worship.” Worship for the day concluded with the installation of Ruling Elder Iris Wallace from Radcliffe Presbyterian Church [MS1] as our new Moderator and a celebration of the faithful service of Rev. Juan Herrera as Moderator over the past year.

In the business of the meeting, the Presbytery voted on 28 proposed amendments to the Book of Order that would introduce new practices and update procedures for the church around everything from electronic meetings to boundaries training to family leave for installed pastors. The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta voted in favor of all amendments that were presented. (One amendment was previously approved in November 2022, and four additional amendments held for a potential vote in May 2023 concern a portion of the Book of Order that may be replaced entirely.) We now await the results of voting by presbyteries across the country to determine what changes will be included in the new Book of Order that goes into effect this summer.

The Presbytery examined and approved two new minister members:

  • Katie Archibald-Woodward, a candidate of San Gabriel Presbytery, who will serve in a validated ministry as resident assistant at Villa International

  • Robert Andrew “Drew” Wilmesherr, a candidate of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta, who will serve in a validated ministry as campus minister at UKirk Atlanta

The Presbytery’s Committee on Preparation for Ministry introduced seven candidates for ministry for the Presbytery’s approval:

  • LoAnn Nguyen from North Avenue

  • Victoria Robinson from Johns Creek

  • Nikki Zimmerman from Peachtree

  • Allison Arsenault from North Decatur

  • Kalecia Wright from Atlanta First

  • Jeanine Fulton from Eastminster

  • Courtney Henry from Pleasant Hill

The Presbytery offered a litany of thanksgiving and celebration for the ministry of Chip Blankinship, the Presbytery’s Director of Operations, as he completes his ministry and prepares to retire at the end of February. Council introduced Andy Hill as the Presbytery’s new Director of Finance and Property.

The Presbytery approved a budget of $1.5 million for the 2023 fiscal year to support the work of growing healthy, vital congregations and equipping healthy, innovative leaders.

The meeting offering supported the Presbytery’s New Church Development Commission as they work to build up new expressions of church across the Presbytery.

Throughout the day, the Presbytery enjoyed the hospitality of the Covington First Presbyterian Church, which culminated in a luncheon spread at the conclusion of the meeting.

The next Stated Meeting of the Presbytery will be held on Zoom on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, beginning at 9:00am.


May 2, 2023 Stated Meeting of the Presbytery


November 12, 2022 Stated Meeting