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PBG's Advocacy Training

Advocacy Training
presented by Presbyterians for a Better Georgia 

Join Presbyterians for a Better Georgia for our annual Advocacy Training on February 15 at 7:00 PM. This online virtual training will help you understand the issues that are before the legislature. You will also learn how to effectively use your voice to shape our state's policies.

PBG advocates for policies that are consistent with the caring ministries of our churches. In particular, we are advocating for legislation that will:

  • Create stronger mental health care services for insured and uninsured Georgians

  • Dedicate more state resources for desperately-needed affordable housing

  • Fund tested, proven strategies for moving people out of homelessness and into stable homes

Invite your friends and members of your faith community to join us for the Advocacy Training.

PBG’s Advocacy Training Registration:

Also, mark your calendars for PBG Lobby Day at the Capitol on the morning of March 14.

Presbyterians for a Better Georgia is a partnership of Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) congregations. We amplify the voices of citizens concerned with all Georgians in need of housing and healthcare.

For more information about Presbyterians for a Better Georgia, visit

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